Welcome to Winter
Welcome to our final magazine of the year – and what a strange year it’s been.
Our first sympathies must go to those who have suffered from Covid 19, their families, and the dedicated health professionals who have cared for them.
It’s been a difficult time for many local retailers and tradespeople who deeply appreciate the continued support they receive from the people of Kent. They will need that support well into 2021 in order to continue providing skills which we just can’t afford to lose.
This magazine showcases plenty of examples of that expertise, including Darren Hole of Dude & Arnette who is a national expert in looking after the distinctive white cowls on oast houses, and Tony Bones, a specialist in reclaiming and restoring period doors. We also report on a project by SPAB, the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, at Boxley which shows just what expert craftsmanship can achieve.
Here’s hoping for an easier time ahead for everyone.
Click the cover to read the Winter 2020 issue:

Competition winners Autumn issue:
The winner of the Landmark Trust Handbook was Ursula Glover from Canterbury and the winner of the Lost Orchard cookbook by Raymond Blanc was Stella Cosgrove from Ashford.
Posted in: General