The Secret Supper Club

The Secret Supper Clubs have become a not so well-kept secret within the Curious Eatery crowd.

From Victorian orchid houses to cider orchards, you could be feasting pretty much anywhere. Each Supper Club is held at a different top-secret location which even the guests don’t find out about until two days before it happens.

The only way to get an invitation is to ask (very nicely) if you can join their invite list and only then will you be able to dine in one their weird and wonderful locations. In keeping with the experience-led dining, you will be taken to an enchanted supper where you’ll drink great wines, feast on delicious food and meet wonderful people.

Working closely with the talented people at Hire Love, The Curious Eatery team turn any space into a magical and unforgettable evening. Each menu is devised to work with the surroundings and the land is an integral part of how the chefs showcase not just the food, but the venue and the season.

The latest Supper Club was held in Sissinghust, at Crossways, a beautiful Victorian orchard house that was built in 1894. The venue had formerly been a pig farm which naturally lent itself to the chefs incorporating pork into the menu. As the event was held in the autumn, the chefs wanted to use produce from their allotment, and in what turned out to be a happy accident, they tried a perfect planting trio of pumpkins, sweetcorn and climbing beans from which they created their delicious ‘Three Sisters’ salad’ which has become a staple part of their seasonal autumnal menus.

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