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Garden Notes

What to do in the garden now

London Road, Canterbury

Passion for the Past

Heritage Conservation


Artist Profile – Graham Clarke

Graham is known for his wonderfully detailed, often humorous arch-topped limited-edition etchings, produced entirely by hand from start to finish.

Summer house, B&Q

Gorgeous Garden Buildings

How about a gorgeous garden building to give you extra space without the fuss?


Adding More Sparkle

The English wine industry is growing in popularity, with new vineyards, tastings and tours springing up almost every few months. It’s no longer just a regional curiosity but a world-renowned product, especially when it comes to our sparkling wine.


Hedging Your Bets

Have you ever thought about planting a wildlife hedge in your garden? There are many reasons why a hedge would be a great asset. Not only would it provide essential forage for wildlife, but it can also bring beauty and abundant harvest your way. Intrigued? Read on…

A simple bowl of fresh Kent cherries was what prompted Henry VIII to dub the county the ‘Garden of England’. (Photograph Pippa Palmar)


With its gentle climate, rich soils and bountiful coastal waters, Kent is a land of plenty when it comes to food and drink. apples, cherries, hops; Kent’s food and drink by local author Naomi Dickins will appeal to all those with an interest in the county’s history and its culinary heritage.

Curved floating sideboard

Effortless Elegance

We meet Oliver Manning Press whose unique talent and flair for furniture design is fundamental to creating individual pieces of bespoke furniture of the highest quality, be they fitted or freestanding, he creates items that are functional, elegant and very beautifully made.


Timeless Textiles

Marina Mill is a Kent-based, family business that specialises in designing and producing exclusive furnishing fabrics.

Orlestone Oak

Your Unique Home

They say an Englishman’s home is his castle, and we certainly do take great pride in our properties. A period home is a big investment, and when you’re proud of where you live you undoubtedly want it to look its best.