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Sideboard, £1225,

Watch This Space

The art of household storage


Beyond the Hammer

We meet Dave Parker, Managing Director at The Canterbury Auction Galleries


Wine and Family

A winning combination at Chartham Vineyard


Crafted with Care

Handmade in Bridge could be one of those ‘best kept secrets’ that only the select few know of. We meet the self-effacing innovator behind this modest sounding brand who’s niche products have captured the attention of many discerning clients.


Between the Lines

Despite the priority being on functionality, galley kitchens can also be beautiful spaces brimming with character.

2023d Winter

Welcome to Winter 2023

Welcome to the winter edition of
Conservation news, and what an odd
season we’re having.


Insulating Your Period Home

The latest Government research suggests that energy-efficient homes sell for around 14% more than uninsulated properties, not to mention being far more cost-effective to heat.


The White Mill

We witness the exciting spectacle of the White Mill’s cap replacement


Garden Cookbook

Taking us through the year in six seasonal chunks of two months each, Sarah Raven highlights the best vegetables, fruit and herbs grown in the UK.


Your Table Awaits

Visit Rochester Cathedral to see the spectacular 13m long ‘table for the nation’ made from the wood of a 5,000 year old fossilised black oak tree.