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Sutton Valence School

We take a look at the long and illustrious history of Sutton Valence School founded in 1576 by local benefactor William Lambe.


The King’s School

We take a look at the long and illustrious history of The King’s School in Canterbury; one of the oldest schools in the world.


Old Smock Mill

The Old Smock Mill which had fallen into disrepair, after many years of neglect, has been lovingly restored by the present owners. Great care was taken not to lose the essence of the original building and it is now an unforgettable and unique place to stay, with an atmosphere of tranquility and calm.


Woven Wonders

Born out of the bleak but beautiful landscape of the Romney Marsh come materials that are woven wonders, evoking the desolate and eerily enchanting scenery that has inspired many artists who have been captivated by its wild charm for years.



Is domesticity the new rock ‘n’ roll?


Solid as a Rock

None of us know what life has in store or how we will react when the unthinkable happens. Do you crumble or dig deep to find a way to rebuild your life and company like this brave business owner?


Wines of Provenance

Simpsons settled for nothing less than the finest parcels of land in southern England to plant the vines for their exceptional English sparkling wine.


Dare to be Different

Oozing with originality and with the courage of her convictions is an apt description of Joely Woodward, Founder and Creative Director of Hogwood House Kitchens and Interiors. For a company that has a strapline of ‘Dare to be different’ you would be expecting someone who is full of confidence in her ability to deliver design,…


Jane Austen’s Table

Jane Austen’s Table brings readers a sumptuous array of recipes that capture all the spirit and verve of the food of Jane Austen’s world and the Regency era, adapted and reimagined for the modern day.


A fantastic flooring experience

We take a look around Kentish Flooring’s brand new showroom and talk to owners Ian and Gary about how they have built their business into one of the county’s leading suppliers and fitters of quality flooring.